"Như một hòn bi xanh. Trái đất này xoay tròn. Vô tình ta cùng chọn nơi này là quê hương" Trịnh Công Sơn

What's new? 

Book Launch: Pham Collection Vol 5

Bookshop fund-raising ↓↓↓

Current project: VHLC (Vietnamese History and Literature Collection) technical support from ScoutMag MediaLab, supervised by VNSPIRIT

I will travel to Vietnam to collect/assess material in person in areas where the historical items still can be accessible. 

I'm raising funds for New documentaries for Vietnam history education. If you can help please scan QR code or  click here to go to the PayPal page. OR you can chip in by order books at shops.

Bank transfer in Vietnam (VND)

Paypal Support

We are currently under support by these fund-raising activities:

A note from my heart.

2023, vnspirit.com turned 15! I felt Vietnamese spirit since the day I left Vietnam, 15 yrs ago. Everyday, I explained the culture that my children observed and reacted. Every year I dragged them to Vietnam, visited my parents, enjoyed the beautiful landscape. Obviously just tiny drops on the dessert. 

What could I tell them about Vietnam? 

Now, I know what I can do.  Bilingual books, interesting history documentaries etc..,. My real KPI goal is here. 

Pray for my doings. 

