
Thuy T. Pham (My CV)

Email: thuy.pham at


Biomedical wearable devices for in-lab or out-of-lab deployment with solutions in




Automated Classification for Biomedical Data: Machine Learning Approaches for Subject-Independent Settings


Freezing of gait detection in Parkinson's disease with acceleration data:

Studies in freezing of gait (FoG) can help prevent falls and understand the causality. Our feature engineering helps finding novel features that are more relevant and discriminative. Our FoG detectors which, to the best of our knowledge, achieve the best reported performance for unsupervised subject-independent settings for FoG data. Future work may lead to a device which provides cues for patients with Parkinson's disease.

Source: [1]

Respiratoray artefact removal in FOT lung function test:

Forced oscillation technique (FOT) is non-invasive, non-effort dependent, thus is for patients too young or  unable to perform other pulmonary testing. However currently  it has low repeatability due to remains respiratory artifacts. We used feature engineering and anomaly detection techniques to offer better objective quality control.

 Source: [2]

Automatic spike sorting for electrophysiological recordings:

Needle EMG analysis can provide information about active motor units in neurological experiments. Current mannual sorting of motor units can cost hours of neurologists. We offer a simple automated method using correlation based unsupervised spike sorting technique.

 Source: [3][4]

Building hybrid bio-robot systems with both artificial components and real biological components:

Online hardware-based electrophysiological signal processing is desirable for brain machine interface applications with neural recordings. One example of this research topic is the interface between insect's brain and a hardware platform. Visual receptive field of insect’s eyes can be used to guide a robot platform in hybrid bio-robots or close-loop control experiments in neuroscience. We offer an online action potential discrimination algorithm for the interface module. 8 target selective descending neuron (TSDN) templates have been built for a direction signal detection.


************** My DIY stuff  **********

My home made "Lovely Vietnam": 

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Worlds Largest Cave Discovered In Vietnam!

OFFICIAL New 7 Wonders of the World

Welcome to Halong Bay, Vietnam 

Source Photos: [1] Snijders et al. N Engl J Med 2010     [2] MasterScreen™         [3] “Principles of Neural Science”  4th_Edition, 2000 by Kandel et al.     [4] Photo: Fuglevand lab